This program designed for Saving and Restoring Desktop Icons positions. Using this app you can save/restore your desktop icons positions at any time. You can create as many sessions as you like, such as for different screen resolutions, different users, or even when you reinstall your system. You can even copy your DSI Files (Desktop Session Info File) from one machine to another.

Main Features:
- Auto-Saving Sessions every N seconds (up to approximately 24 hours).
- Full Registration of *.DSI files (Desktop Session Info file) – Including in “Create” context menu.
- Application can work from system tray (Restore/Save Session, Call Preferences Dialog, Show Desktop and more).
- Adding Date/Time when saving sessions.
- Removing non existing sessions from the list.
- Removing Selected session from the list.
- Removing All sessions from the list.
- Removing duplicates from the list.
- Deleting Selected session files.
- Deleting All session files.
- Delete not existing entries (of desktop icons) in the session file.
- Visual editing of selected session.
- Option to show the desktop.
- Restore session by double click on the item in the list.
- Full Support of Hotkeys.
- Full Drag & Drop Support.
- Choosing a sound file for playing after Saving/Restoring Session (for each action can be different sound).
- Flexible Window Options (Saving positions/state, Transparency, Always On Top).
- And much more to go…

This program has been created by MsCreatoR, thanks for the permission to share this great application. Visit his thread at the AutoIt-Forum: