Since upgrading to firmware 2.0 the PlayStation 3 offers the possibility to upload a customized theme (desktop look & feel). I took the opportunity to create my own, personal theme which I now want to share with you.
Feel free to download and test my first self-created PlayStation 3 theme pack.

Version 1.3 is the same as Version 1.2 with some icons exchanged. Both packages support the FW 2.50. Check them out and decide which one to use.
Version 1.2 supports the new icon introduced with Firmware 2.50 (Energy Saving). I also exchanged some other icons for a better look & feel.
Version 1.1 supports the new icons introduced with Firmware 2.40 (INet Search, Playlists, Trophy, PowerOff, Playing).
I would be happy, if you could provide me a feedback. For instructions how to install a custom theme on your Playstation 3 please visit the official Playstation Manual website.