THE Batch Movie ScreenCap Creator… Create ScreenCaps of
– any number of movies,
– located anywhere on your computer,
– manually or with a time-scheduler,
– with a free to choose number of caps,
– the ability to ignore already processed files,
– a customizable design
– and most important, it allows you to do it in Batch Mode!
AMT is THE Batch Movie ScreenCap Creator!

The AMT – Auto-Movie-Thumbnailer is an automation GUI to batch create ScreenCaps, Thumbnail Index Pictures, Preview Pictures or Contact Sheets for any given number of movies. It supports many different input (AVI, MPG, Quicktime, Real-Media, Windows-Media,….) formats, in fact every input format that is supported by MPlayer.
Additionally AMT offers you a huge number of possibilities to customize the design and layout of the ScreenCaps.
AMT works by remotely controlling the MPlayer, some applications of the ImageMagick Suite and a MediaInfo plugin to perform the screenshoting and Picture creation.
Known Problems
Short movies might not have enough key-frames (depending on format) for multiple screenshots. E.g. if you want to have 20 screenshots per movie, but the movie only has 10 Key-frames, will get duplicate screenshots. That’s because the seek function of MPlayer is controlled by simple math. 20 screenshots means start at 2.5%, next shot 7.5%, 12.5%… if now too few key-frames are defined in the movie (during creation process), 7.5% and 12.5% might point to the same key-frame, if for example the movie has a key-frame at 5% and the next at 15%. MPlayer is only capable of seeking key-frames for certain formats.
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This program is freeware under Creative Commons License “by-nc-nd 3.0”, and this means, you are free to share, to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
- Attribution – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
- Noncommercial – You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
- No Derivative Works – You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
See also for details.
For any form of distribution of this software a link back to the authors website at is required.

v14 > v15 – 2024, Oct 13
– Fixed several memory leaks
– Updated binaries
v13 > v14 – 2022, Nov 26
– Fixed tray password set by default
– Fixed error on “Show notification…” or “When finished…”
– Added success/failure messages to AMT Drag & Drop Interface
v12 > v13 – 2022, Nov 13
– Improved Save and Reload of settings
– Updated to AutoIt
– Updated all sub-binaries
– A lot of tiny changes and improvements
v11 > v12 – 2019, Dec 21
– Increased overall speed especially for HD files by using pre-scaling and improving processing functions
– Use x64 version if possible, as MPlayer x64 is much faster on huge files. Only sub-binaries are x64, AMT itself still is x86.
– x86 version contains MPlayer codec pack (not available for x64), nevertheless most files should play fine without it
– Integrated BIC code (crop and rotate) for single cap post-processing
– A lot of tiny changes and improvements
– Updated all sub-binaries
v10 > v11 – 2018, Sep 21
– Fixed – Slow processing speed, because for “Custom” header MediaInfo was extracted from every file before “Skip” check
– Fixed – Frame around single picture not displayed anymore with geometry 3×3, now set to 4×4
– Updated MPlayer to r38116
– Updated SQLite to 3.25.1
– Updated ImageMagick to 6.9.9-51-portable-Q16-x86
v9 > v10 – 2018, Sep 16
– Fixed – Errors in Win10 Treeview for network drives
– Fixed – Errors in autoupdate of treeview
– Lots of other small bug fixes and style changes
– Date and version footer now optional
– Massive changes and enhancements to “Create Single Frame Screenshot Caps” functions incl. cropping
– Added “Correct Orientation” and “Enforce Rotation to” switches
– Updated codebase to AutoIt v3.3.14.5
– Updated MPlayer to r38109
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 18.08.1
– Updated SQLite to 3.25.0
– Updated ImageMagick-6.9.9-40
8.0 > 9.0 – 2017, Mar 04
– Fixed – Win10 – Suddenly MPlayer window was visible on PC unlocking, even if AMT was minimized
– Fixed – WinXP – Treeview “Auto-Refresh” does not work and seems to crash XP, feature disabled for XP now
– Fixed several bugs in Layout > Fixed amount of screenshots pattern logic
– In cycle “Processing File” was not reset correctly
– Added error icon to replace “No directory selected” error msgbox (less intrusive)
– Lots of other small bug fixes and style changes
– Updated MPlayer to r37926
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.93
– Updated SQLite to 3.17.0
– Updated ImageMagick-6.9.7-1
7.0 > 8.0 – 2016, Jan 02
– Temporary file type now selectable (default = BMP = lossless)
– GUI default size increased and GUI now resizeable
– Added ExifTool support to write IPTC infos to output files
– Added optional CTRL+ALT+A hotkey to recover from tray
– Temp file directory can now be relocated after install
– Updated Treeview functions
– Fixed command line interface bugs
– Lots of other small bug fixes and style changes
– Updated MPlayer to r37569
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.81
– Updated SQLite to 3.9.2
– Updated ImageMagick-6.8.8-10
– Updated exiftool-9.82
6.0 > 7.0 – 2014, Sep 06
– Added – Quicksave functionality for file folders selection
– Added – AMT Drag & Drop Interface
– Added – “Output Directory” options “Dedicated Output File Directory – Create Source Sub-Directory Structure” & “Dedicated Output File Directory – Create Source Full-Directory Structure”
– Added – Option to export and import all AMT settings, see “Settings” tab
– Updated – Corrected error in “Add digits to filename” functionality
– Updated – Rewrote command line interface (see “About” for changed syntax)
– Updated – Increased maximum size for thumbnail width and height setting from 3 to 4 digits (9999)
– Updated – Increased the maximum amount of variable shots from 9.801 to 99.999
– Updated – Increased total tile number to 99×999 = 98.901
– Updated – Resize Thumbnails – now accepts “Absolute size in pixels” AND “Relative size in percent”
– Updated – Tweaked overall “Single Frame PreviewCaps” functionality, added mode “2) Create multiple Single Frame Screenshot Caps”
– Lots of small bug fixes and style changes
– Updated MPlayer to r37260
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.70
– Updated SQLite to 3.8.6
5.0 > 6.0 – 2014, Apr 06
– Fixed – Layout > “Prepare variable amount of screenshots” timings and totals were wrong
– Fixed – Individual frames were not exported correctly (see “Processing Mode”)
– Fixed – Progress Display Update / reduced flickering for labels and log edit controls
– Fixed – “Block” creation method to overcome ~32k characters limit of command-line input
– Added – Added option to use “Fixed Filename” for output / use Prefix OR Suffix to define name, one of both MUST be filled
– Added – “Output Directory” option – create ScreenCaps in “Input File Directory / Sub-Directory of Input File Directory / Parent-Directory of Input File Directory / Dedicated Output File Directory”
– Added – %Parent_Directory_Name% wildcard to output filename Prefix and Sufix fields
– Added – Treeview auto-update
– Added – Several “Processing Mode” indicators to tab “Progress”
– Added – Combo “Summary/Extended” for log display, enhanced log entries written to log
– Added – “Settings” > added “Add VO” button to allow setting of custom Video Driver
– Updated – “Add creation date to footer” switch
– Updated – “Add MPlayer version to footer” switch
– Updated – Total tile number = 99×99 = 9.801
– Updated – Changed “Autoenumerate filename” option to check for file existence first and only to create unique filenames
– Updated – Improved all log functions and calls
– Lots of small bug fixes and style changes
– Updated MPlayer to r37051 – grey screens for certain mpg files fixed
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.68
– Updated ImageMagick to 6.8.8-10
– Updated SQLite to
4.0 > 5.0 – 2013, Dec 23
– Fixed – Movie length / “Duration” error for some files
– Fixed – MPlayer does not work with too many threads allocated, added a default limit of 4
– Fixed – Windows Shutdown arguments wrong, triggered a restart not a shutdown
– Fixed – On Win8 AMT stops rendering if PC is locked and -vo=direct3d > changed default -vo > now XP, Win8 and Win8.1 use default -vo=directx, Win Vista and Win7 -vo=direct3d (to avoid problems with DWM / Aero)
– Added – Timestamp customization options (see “Thumbnail Preview – Timestamp Generation”)
– Added – Option to auto-update Folder Treeview
– Added – Option for variable / timed-screenshoting / to “Make a screenshot every X seconds”
– Updated – Folder Treeview > added option to cancel refresh when (slow) network folders are included
– Updated – Better detection of Video and Audio bitrate (see “BitRate_Nominal/String” & “SamplingRate/String”)
– Updated – Moved “Shutdown when finished” / “Notify when Cylce finished” to “Progress” tab
– Updated – Removed “AMT-Previewer.exe” and related functions
– Lots of small bug fixes and style changes
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.65
– Updated MPlayer to r36541
– Updated SQLite to 3.8.2
3.0 > 4.0 – 2013, Sep 29
– Fixed default video driver bug, prevented AMT to work correct on some graphic cards (-vo now defaults to “directx” for XP and “direct3d” for all newer OS)
– Fixed – “On Error created an empty ScreenCap replacement” and “Fill missing thumbnails with…” switches did not work correctly
– Updated – Removed Preview and Log screens from “Settings” tab
– Updated – Increased font size for “group control” labels
– Updated – Rearranged controls on “Settings” tab
– Fixed – Removed trailing “\” from $sLogfileLocation, prevented update of log filesize
– Fixed – “Fill missing thumbnails with blank caps” => “Blank Cap” needs to be resized to match normal thumbnail size (resp. ratio)
– Updated – Relocated “Reprocess Error Screencaps” back to “Progress” tab
– Updated – Added icons to some “Settings” buttons
– Updated – Ran “ZZZ_Calculation_Optimizer_v01.au3” to remove all calculations in control positioning
– Updated – Win8 – Changed default font quality from 4 to 5 for a clear output ($s_TNC_Thumbnails_Font_Quality_Default)
– Updated – Added COM error handler
– Updated – Added “MPlayer functionality test” to “Settings” tab
– Updated ImageMagick to 6.8.6-7
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.64
– Updated MPlayer to r36459
– Updated SQLite to
2.1 > 3.0 – 2013, Jun 23
– Added optional thumbnail pattern selection by movie duration (instead of the default selection by filesize)
– Fixed thumbnail pattern definition workflow
– Added option to pause processing
– Added more command actions for click on SysTray icon (restore / pause / exit)
– Made the “Info Header” labels (“Filename:”, “Duration:”…) optional per row
– Fixed MediaInfo wildcards for filename Prefix & Suffix
– Fixed several output renaming bugs
– Plus lots of minor tweaks and bug fixes
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.63
– Updated MPlayer to r36349
– Updated SQLite to 3.7.17
2.0 > 2.1 – 2013, Mar 22
– New command-line switches (add n:m files/directories to processing queue, AMT_Run_On_Start, AMT_Start_Minimized)
– MediaInfo wildcards for filename Prefix & Suffix (e.g. add length, resolution to filename)
– Added optional output format PNG (to existing JPG format)
– Added optional “MPlayer Log” Window (to see whats going on under the hood)
– Added option to customize (translate) the “Info Header” labels (“Filename:”, “Duration:”…) on the output
– Fixed some few minor bugs
– Updated ImageMagick to 6.8.3-9
– Updated MediaInfo Dll to 0.7.62
– Updated MPlayer to r36021
– Updated SQLite to 3.7.16
1.9 > 2.0 – 2012, Nov 07
– Fixed an issue with the Uninstaller
– Tweaked Workflow
1.8 > 1.9 – 2012, Nov 02
– Upgraded Binaries (ImageMagick, MPlayer, MediaInfo)
– Tweaked Workflow
– Switched to save settings to a SQLite database instead of an Ini-File (much faster startup and processing)
– Fixed Processing of Movie-Files with Unicode Filenames
– Fixed Display of Unicode Filenames in Screencaps
– Added option to export all caps separately
– Added an option to throttle processing speed (default on) to prevent CPU maxing out
– Enhanced options for Screencap Font selection
1.7 > 1.8 – 2012, Apr 02
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, MediaInfo)
– Tweaked Workflow
– Added option to create “Single Frame Preview Caps”
– Added option to create “ScreenCap Report”
– Added option to create “PreviewCap Report”
1.6 > 1.7 – 2012, Feb 14
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, MediaInfo)
– Tweaked internal workflow
– Added command line interface support (check “About” tab for details)
1.5 > 1.6 – 2011, Dec 31
– Added some functionalities
– Added some layout options
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, MediaInfo)
– On Vista+ Aero is not disabled by default anymore (dependency to used video output driver)
– Released Source
1.4 > 1.5 – 2011, Oct 23
– Fixed pattern bug
– Added some functionalities
– Added some layout options
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, MediaInfo)
1.3 > 1.4 – 2011, Sep 04
– Redesigned GUI
– Added some functionalities
– Added some layout options
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, MediaInfo), should solve AMT hanging on certain movie files
– Tweaked Workflow
1.2 > 1.3 – 2011, Aug 10
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, MediaInfo), should solve AMT hanging on certain movie files
– Added some layout options (cap padding, info header now optional)
– Updated Treeview
– Tweaked Workflow
1.1 > 1.2 – 2011, Apr 13
– Fixed the UAC and DEP issues on Vista+ systems
– Added option for custom logo or comment
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, ImageMagick, MediaInfo)
– Updated Treeview
– Tweaked Workflow > 1.1 – 2010, Oct 15
– Implemented Win7 compliance, AERO disabled on program start
– Upgraded Binaries (MPlayer, ImageMagick, MediaInfo)
– Updated Treeview
– Tweaked Workflow > – 2009, Aug 17
– Changed log file max size truncation logic
– Upgraded SubBinaries from v7 to v8 (2009-Aug-17)
– Updated Treeview: Now restores previous selection states after program restart
– Added frequent check for AMT-mplayer.exe crash window
– Changed style of input file search progress bar to MARQUEE
– Removed _ReduceMemory() function
– Changed startup timer for AMT-Watcher from 2*5 seconds to 2*15 seconds
– Changed style for custom progress GUI
– Fixed an issue, if total file-location length of temp-files in AMTWorkDir is > 256 characters
– Skip of file creation with a total file-length > 252 characters (.jpg appended > 256 characters) in File search function > – 2009, Jun 22
– AMT can now be closed while processing – 2009, Jun 11
– Trayicon always visible
– Trayicon blinks while processing
– Imagelist for Treeview icons now also recreated on refresh (occasionally got lost)
It works fine on the XP-SP3-32bit, Win7-64bit and Win8-64bit machines I’ve tested it on. If you find bugs please let me know.
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AMT was created with AutoIt, visit the forum at
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
The Author of this Software expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any related documentation is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains with you.
In no event shall the author of this Software be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if the Author of this Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
AMT – Binaries
AMT utilizes some external binaries. All binaries are fully functional and can be used as standalone programs. They are only provided with this installer for installation convenience. The SubBinaries AddOn-Package consists of the following applications:
This program is freeware (GLPv3)
The ImageMagick license is compatible with the GPL.
A copy of the license agreements for these programs can be found in the respective installation folder. The AMT license does not cover these programs. All copyrights remain with the respective authors.
All of the deliverable code in SQLite has been dedicated to the public domain by the authors and does not require a license.
Hi! Thanks for the wonderful app!
I’ve put a new drive in my computer, however I neglected to note\copy down settings from my old instance of AMT. I tried to recreate them from memory, but I set it up some time ago and I’ve forgotten them.
Just wondering where the layout settings are stored? I did try copying over the AMT_Settings.db file, but this didn’t seem to work.
I can browse the drive and its contents okay, I just can’t load the install off of it.
Thanks! 🙂
Yes, all settings are stored in the “AMT_Settings.db” file.
Default location is at
Make sure AMT is closed when you replace the .db file.
Hi Hello,
After countless searches, I was able to find the software I was looking for: AMT – Auto-Movie-Thumbnailer.
I wanted to ask, how do I create an option Not publish the software itself
I know that’s not possible, but maybe for a fee?
I’d love to reply, thanks and congratulations: David
Sent you an email.
Best Regards
I did not expect that the software is still developed.
Surprise :), it is.
I was about to download the latest v12 x64 version of AMT but both Chrome and Firefox rejected the download due to malicious content. Can you please check & fix this?
Hi pbond, right click on the blocked download and click “Allow Download” for the time being.
It’s all about some lazy AV companies marking all AutoIt code as malicious. I’ve contacted Google and requested a manual inspection, well, I hope for the best.
Kind Regards
Occasionally the media header will start creating thumbs with no media information in the header.
Only way I can find to fix it is by exiting the app completely and restart it. Then I have to track down and delete all the bad thumbs created so it can create them again with the info.
This happens frequently. Usually after 20 to 100 thumbnails are generated it’ll start creating them with the header info fields blank until i restart the app.
I wrote you an email on this, thanks for reporting the error. I tried to replicate it, but could not. I created > 1.500 caps, and all have a filled header. You’re also the first one to report this error.
I think it might have something to do with your setup:
– Is there enough space on your temp dir drive?
– What dimensions do you create the caps for? What number of caps? What’s the input file-size?
– Could you send me a sample?
– Try activating the log when the error occurs and send me that too.
– Did you try a clean re-install?
Anyone else got this issue?
Best Regards,
Hello KaFu, that actually did it! Wonderful solution, that I was just unable to figure out myself.
Glad it worked out for you :).
I have placed a sample file in the weblink section of this comment. It is just a run of the mill snap from TV, but my default AMT makes it look like weird snaps somehow.
Hi Todd,
thanks for providing the sample. I did some research. There is no index in ts files so players just seek where-ever and then decoding breaks.
Some players may wait until the next keyframe but others just start playback and then output the garbage (e.g. LAV/MPC-HC and also MPlayer).
Go to “Settings” and add ” -lavdopts wait_keyframe ” at the beginning of the optional MPlayer arguments at the bottom (unlock first), that should fix it.
Optionally you could increase the “throttle step length” above that to 1500, seems enough so that Mplayer finds the next keyframe by itself.
Best Regards
I am getting grey artifacts in all of my screenshots, of just regular HDTV 1080p .ts files. I have been digging around ImageMagick knowledgebases, but no luck. Have you seen that behavior before?
Hi Todd,
I would guess it’s more a problem with MPlayer than ImageMagick, somehow related to the codec of the video file. Could you provide a sample to test?
Best Regards
Thanks for reply
My path is long and the file name is mixed with English and Chinese Japanese characters.
The format looks like this:
…\[english] chinese or japanese\…mp4
Hi Ray,
I just test this filename, and on my computer it works without a problem.
C:\_Data\!_Keep\_AMT_Testmovie\æ¼¢å—編碼方法 汉å—ç¼–ç 方法æµæ°´ç¢¼ æµæ°´ç å—形碼 å—å½¢ç å—音碼 å—音ç 形音碼 形音ç 音形碼 音形ç \平仮å ã²ã‚‰ãŒãª.MOV.jpg
Do you have an example that you could send via email? I tried to contact you under the email provided.
Best Regards
nice software, thanks.
But there is a bug, unable to get file when path has special characters. Another question, I set to make a screenshot every 10 seconds, but the time in the thumbnail is not fixed for 10 seconds? And the file is very large, 6G video file got a 35MB thumbnail image.(JPG 80% quality and 480px each width, make a screenshot every 10s, Video length 2:55:00 so there are about 1050 screenshots. But it’s not that big with other software.)
Hi Ray,
thanks for your feedback. I’ve test this filename and it works fine for me:
C:\_Data\!_Keep\_AMT_Testmovie\平仮å ã²ã‚‰ãŒãª\平仮å ã²ã‚‰ãŒãª.MOV
Could you provide the special characters that produce errors? I thought I made AMT unicode-proof :).
> I set to make a screenshot every 10 seconds, but the time in the thumbnail is not fixed for 10 seconds?
10 seconds is what AMT sends to MPlayer, but maybe that’s to short and MPlayer can not seek down to 10 seconds because of not enough Key-Frames in the Video.
> And the file is very large
The output is produced with ImageMagick encoding, I guess the compression is sub-optimal. Re-encode the output for better results (e.g. Irfanview has a great batch mode), I’ll see for v13 if I can offer better compression using other third party tools.
Best Regards
Thanks for the quick turnaround KaFu! Tested the new version without the RAM Drive and man, it goes twice as fast as the V11, a 1386 capture work in just 20 mins! The 5 Digits worked just fine, but guess I broke it in a new way now 😀 Here is the extract however, I couldn’t figure out what that error could be…
0351566| FINISHED Processing Cycle in 1249.1 seconds – 2019-12-29, 00:03:51 – Files: 1 / 1 (0 left) – Result: 0 / 0 / 1 / 0
0351536| #1-Result = FAILURE, output file was not created
0351535| ERROR – Thumbnail Creation Error #127
0351404| 0: MONTAGE – FINISH – concatenate blocks #1 to #16
0059583| 0: MONTAGE – FINISH – Block-16; “index_pic_temp_15.bmp”
Any suggestion on what I should try to get more details?
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Patt,
as discussed via Email the ouput JPG was higher then 64k px, which is the allowed max for JPGs. In this case switch to PNG as output. Additionally esp. large files were not processed by AMT (memory issue), fixed in the next version.
Best Regards
Hello KaFu! Happy holidays and a Happy new year for you! Thanks for the tip on using a RAM Drive, totally forgot about that, been hammering my HDD like crazy xD
I’ve got a little question on regards of the timeout of the ImageMagick: in the settings tab, Error handling & Timeouts, the Mediainfo & ImageMagick Timeout (s) value can only be set up to 3 digits (999) and when I am converting huge files, with 1350+ captures, I greatly exceed this timeout. Is it possible to increase this variable to 4 digits, or skip the timeout altogether?
Hi Patt,
happy holidays and a happy new year to you too :)! Yeah, when you process large numbers of movies it really makes sense to have the temp directory on a RAM drive. For only a few it’s not a must, but otherwise you really stress the drives. Here’s a Beta compile with all timeouts increase to 5 digits.
Best Regards
I liked using AMT, when I was working on Windows.
But now I started working on Linux, and I don’t plan to use Windows anymore.
I would be very grateful, if you could make AMT version for Linux.
Is it possible?
Thank you.
sadly not, a too huge difference in code. Maybe give “Wine” a try to run AMT on Linux?
Otherwise look here, there are at least two alternatives listed for Linux:
Best Regards
Quero me cadastrar no site
No sé a qué te refieres …
There happens an error on some files which leads in not creating the expected result (fail)
4843417| 0: MOVE – “mediainfo_pre.jpg” to “mediainfo.jpg”
4843417| ERROR – _FileMoveEx, File to move not found: \\?\C:\Users\dirri\AppData\Roaming\AMT_Workdir\AMT_Temp\screenshots\mediainfo_pre.jpg
and finally
4951791| #1-Result = FAILURE, output file was not created
4951744| ERROR – Thumbnail Creation Error #11
4951729| 0: ERROR – Montage failed? Process did not finish within 60 seconds
File index_pic_temp.jpg not created
what can i do whats wrong?
All the sudden I have amt failing on me (black image produced). After playing around a bit I see this when running the functionality test:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\System32>”C:\Program Files (x86)\AMT\AMT_Binaries\mplayer-svn-38116\A
MT-MPlayer.exe” -vo direct3d -vf screenshot -msglevel all=5 -font “C:\Windows\fo
nts\arial.ttf” -subfont-autoscale 3 -subfont-osd-scale 5 -noautosub -colorkey 0
-input nodefault-bindings -noconfig all -noconsolecontrols -nofontconfig -nomous
einput -nosound -ao null -af volume=-200:0 -osdlevel 3 -lavdopts threads=1 “C:\U
MPlayer sherpya-r38135+gb272d5b9b6-8.3-win32 (C) 2000-2019 MPlayer Team
C:\Windows\fonts\arial.ttf doesn’t look like a bitmap font description, ignoring
Cannot load bitmap font ‘C:\Windows\fonts\arial.ttf’.
Playing C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Finish.mp4.
libavformat version 58.27.103 (internal)
libavformat file format detected.
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 01aaaf20]Protocol name not provided, cannot determine
if input is local or a network protocol, buffers and access patterns cannot be
configured optimally without knowing the protocol
[lavf] stream 0: video (h264), -vid 0
[lavf] stream 1: audio (aac), -aid 0, -alang und
VIDEO: [H264] 1280×720 24bpp 25.000 fps 1966.6 kbps (240.1 kbyte/s)
Reading display capabilities failed.
Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.
No stream found.
Exiting… (End of file)
Is it about the font (which does not seem corrupt but I have anyway replaced it with a “clean” copy). Any further idea ?
MPlayer is always complaining about the font on Windows, that can not be the issue.
I guess it’s more “Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.”. Does this happen will all files / file-types? I also see the path path refers to Mplayer v38116, and the log refers to v38135, did you mix up some files there?
Does a clean install of AMT help?
Does a change of “VO” help? You have direct3d, I use directx (as direct3d does not render if computer is locked).
Last solution might be to dl the “Binary Codec Packages” for windows from here and put it in the “codec” sub-dir of the AMT-Mplayer directory.
Best Regards
Hello KaFu,
I Want to Set these Layout.
#1 0 Sec to 60 Sec every 1 Sec 5 Per Row
#2 60 Sec to 90 Sec every 2 Sec 5 Per Row
#3 90 Sec to 150 Sec every 3 Sec 5 Per Row
#4 150 Sec to 300 Sec every 5 Sec 5 Per Row
#5 300 Sec to 450 Sec every 10 Sec 5 Per Row
#6 450 Sec to 900 Sec every 15 Sec 5 Per Row
#7 900 Sec to 1800 Sec every 30 Sec 5 Per Row
#8 Else every 60 Sec 5 Per Row
Please add it.
Hello KaFu,
Info Header Issue.
Logo “AMT” cover Very long filename.
Please down logo more 1 row.
Thanks for the suggestion, won’t be a problem with next release.
Best Regards
Hey again, it seems that ImageMagick have some problems putting some pics of mkvs together.
I dl
can you tell me which file I need to rename?
Best regards again. 🙂
Hi Sam,
ImageMagick v7 uses a different syntax, please search for the latest v6 release (different forks).
For dev I currently use “ImageMagick-6.9.10-34-portable-Q16-x86”.
Latest version for use with AMT currently seems to be “”.
Best Regards
Hey KaFu, its me again.
With the generic replacement from it works perfectly (the mplayer from github result in an error, JFI), thanks a lot!
Best regards! 🙂
Hey! 🙂
I really love amt but in the last days it kicks my butt.
~50% of the files produce an 6kb jpg file with nothing.
ERROR – Thumbnail Creation Error #11
0: ERROR – Montage failed? Process did not finish within 60 seconds
File index_pic_temp.bmp not created
The files are normal 1Gb mkv files, so you may have an idea or quickfix?
Anyway, thanks for your software! 🙂
Hi Erald,
glad to hear :).
– Try a functionality test (Layout tab > bottom right) and check console output.
– Take a look into the temp directory to see if any screenshots are produced.
– Download latest MPlayer version, unpack, rename mplayer.exe to AMT-MPlayer.exe and point AMT to the directory (Settings > Locate executables) (I use the “generic” version now myself, with the additional full codec pack from
Let me know further details or if this fixes your issues.
Hey Karsten,
thx for your reply!
I understand the problem. I like the idea of an optional for a base directoy. I guess it should include all subdirectories though. I imagine a lot of people have their their videos in one big folder (“videos”) and then a lot of subdirectories (“cinema”, “dokus”, “urlaub” etc.)
Hey, I have a suggestion for a little improvement:
The file paths in the HTML cap report should be relative instead of absolute, so if the location of the file is changed, for example shared to parents via USB Stick ;), the links still work. Like this you can use the cap report as an “album”.
Thanks for your great work!
Hi Michael,
glad you like it :). Challenge with relative paths is that AMT can process files from multiple locations selected via treeview, so sometimes there is no common relative basedir. I’ll give it a try an make it optional, maybe asking for a basedir and skipping all files found not matching the basedir?
KaFu, thanks for your help. You indirectly pointed me to the solution: Settings > MPlayer Arguments > Default.
Glad it works now as intended :)!
Hiya KaFu. Hope you are well. Since installing V11 I have been experiencing all black frames for some wmv and avi video files. My solution is to use HandBreak to convert them to mp4 then rerun AMT. Can you give me any guidance on things to try to have V11 work with wmv and avi files? BTW, I have latest “K-Lite Codec Mega Pack” installed.
Hi Gary,
I myself don’t have suche issues. Test MPlayer for errors > Layout > bottom right > “MPlayer functionality test”.
Update to MPLayer 318119 (, download, rename mplayer.exe to amt-mplayer.exe and point AMT to that exe (Settings > Locate Executable).
Dear KaFu
I found a problem ,I cant process the files in Google Stream Drive.
When I select the folders in Google Stream Drive,then press “Start Processing”,the AMT will flash the file directory and do nothing.It looks like the AMT cant read the file list in Goold Stream Drive.
Sometimes the AMT can get some file list to process in Goold Stream Drive after select the folder again,but it’s not stable and the succeess chance is very very low.
AMT is the best thumbnailer software,so please make the AMT to support Google Stream Drive in the furtue.
Thank you
Hi ccyen,
I’ll take a look, but I guess it’s gone be a performance issue between google and MPlayer ;)…
It is very convenient and I always use it.
I changed it to the 2018-Sep-21 version yesterday,
1. In “Create Single Frame Preview Caps” mode, “Add Timestamp” no longer works.
(Only two of [MovieFileName] _PC.jpg and [MovieFileName] _PCs.jpg are always written out)
Previously, since MovieFileName was exported with TimeStamp attached, it was possible to capture continuously, but it will always be overwritten. Please point out if there is a possibility of overlooking in the setting.
It is the content that I wanted to say at the beginning that Timestamp will not be granted and it will always be exported with _PC / _ PCs.
2. The shortcut “b” of Movie Player does not function correctly, it operates as “1 sec forward” like “n”, which made it very inconvenient.
Is this a symptom that occurs only in my environment?
Hi Pix,
glad you like AMT! About 1), when it worked before it was an error, mode 1) was never meant to create more than 1 picture. Switch to “2) Create multiple Single Frame Screenshot Caps”, that should do what you want. About the shortcut “b” you are right, I’ve already fixed it in the current Dev version, I’ll try to publish that soon (currently still busy with some 4k optimizations).
Great software and my favourite one to create thumbnails from movie files.
Keep going!
I’ve used used Movie Thumbnailer for the last decade. I created a shortcut in my quicklaunch with all parameters after a lot of trial and error and I could just drop files on it and it would generate a 7×7 thumbnail jpg.
Unfortunately 4K isn’t supported and I need to look elsewhere.
I’m now comparing AMT with Thumbnail me (based on MTN). A few questions:
AMT is configured to generate a 6×7 index independent on this length or size of a movie file (resulting in a 1880x1071px jpg so it fit’s the screen)
1-AMT takes more then 4(!) times longer to generate a thumbnail overview then MTN or Thumbnail me. I’ve tested 1080p and 4K files. AMT takes 46 seconds for a 12 minute 4K file (on an i7-4770K with 16GB)
I have allready disable the Throttling option.
Can this be improved?
2-AMT refuses files when drag/dropped from a network share/nas.
3-Could you perhaps add an option to set the resulting resolution of the thumbnail index file? (for instance 1920×1080) and then have the program do the individual thumbnail scaling to fit that resolution?
4-Can I start the program from command line refering to an config file? Or perhaps a way to use the currently set parameters as a command line string that I can use? (meaning I can drop on a shortcut again to quickly generate thumb files)
Other then these points, the program solves part of my problem for which a big thanks, but useability wise it’s slow and cumbursome for my personal workflow. I hope the above points can be solved, then I’d have no problem paying for it.
I have an issue with shifted colors on the screenshots, for videos using the Bt.709 YUV to RGB color conversion matrix (generally “HD” resolutions, starting from 1280 pixels in width). Typically, the red tones are too dark and the green tones are too light. I’ve made extensive tests with all the tools I could find which can generate such thumbnails previews (AMT, Scorp Thumbnails Video Maker, VCSI, MTN, StaxRip, VCSI, MPC-HC, SMPlayer, BSPlayer, PotPlayer) : most of them get the colors wrong, the only ones which natively preserve the right colors for Bt.709 video are SMPlayer (but it has no batch-processing capability) and Scorp Video Thumbnails Maker with its “Engine 2” rendering module (but it’s not free, and with a particular type of video I have to process – 1920×1080 AVI/GAVC – the colors are wrong anyway). I also managed to tweak the VCSI Python script by adding a ffmpeg switch which forces the use of Bt.709, it works and gets the colors right. In AMT, there’s apparently a possibility to select the video driver used by MPlayer, so after checking MPlayer’s manual, I tried to add “-vo gl:colorspace=2”, which is supposed to force the use of Bt.709, but it has no effect at all, the screenshots still have wrong colors ; I also tried with “colorspace=0” (which is supposed to select the colorspace matrix depending on the file’s resolution, Bt.601 below 1280 in width, Bt.709 starting from 1280), and also with the other drivers natively available, to no avail, the preview pictures generated are exactly the same (same size and MD5). So, is there a way to get correct Bt.709 colors with AMT ?
I created a thread on this subject on VideoHelp :
You might also be interested by this thread on the help forum for Scorp VTM :
And this issue report for VCSI :
Thanks !
Hi KaFu, I really appreciate this software and all of the hard work you put into it! 🙂
I have a feature suggestion:
I’d like to have the option to split all screencaps into numerous output files. For example, I’d like to take 240 screencaps of a longer video and split them into 4 output files with 60 screencaps each.
That said, it would also be great if it were possible to have each of these output files, with e.g. 60 screencaps each, correlate to specified start:end times.
Thanks for reading!
Heya Karsten, thanks for your prompt attention to issues and fast resolution with v11!
Kindest regards,
Thanks for reporting the bugs in the first place :)! Let me know of any issues you encounter.
Best Regards, Karsten
Hi KaFu. Love AMT! I upgraded to v10 from v9. Like that we can remove footer. However, it appears v10 no longer creates the image frame. Help appreciated.
Hi Gary, what do you mean by image frame? Please contact me via “Contact” at the top to sort this out via email (with screen samples).
Best Regards
Gary, thanks again for reporting the two bugs, both fixed with AMT v11.
Best Regards
Will we get the option to disable footer separately from header?
Maybe in v10… we love you but two “ads” are a bit much
Lucky you to post this yesterday, see “Layout” and uncheck “Add date and version to footer” in AMT v10 :).
Best Regards
Running the latest v9 March 04 2017 version (and just LOVING it), but come across gray, blotchy thumbnails for some .mkv format movies. Seeming not a latency issue or power issue because all my other videos thumbnail just fine. Curious as to if you have any suggestions as to what I can look at to fix this?
The screenshots are produced by MPlayer, I just can guess there’s an error in that release. Try the new AMT v10, hopefully that fixes the issue.
Best Regards
Infinite recursion occurs if network mapped drive has files or folders starting with punctuation like “#” or “!”.
• AMT v9 (Mar 4 2017)
• Windows 10 Pro x64 (10.0.17134) (April 2018 Update)
• Network Mapped Drive to SMB Shared Folder hosted on QNAP NAS with Ext4 filesystem
Hi Dan, thanks for reporting this!
As discussed via Email this topic is fixed in AMT v10 and also SMF v12.
Best Regards
Hey Kafu,
I understand, thanks anyway. would be nice to have that function tho.
I’ve looked at what you suggested, but i also need the thumbnails created at the same time.
I can use the “Prepare variable amount of screenshots – by absolute timing”
Setting: Every 15 sec’s make a screenshot and arrange them 1 per row, to a maximum of 1 screenshot per file.
Problem, the filename is exactly the same name as the thumbnails file, so them i would have to rename all as snapshot, and then run another instance to create the thumbnails since the video’s are located in the same folder.
This bypasses the automatic bit of AMT, it would be great to have this implemented as a feature request to create and snapshot and thumbs in one go and rename them like:
Regards, Sinistra
Hi Sinistra,
I see your point, but having written the code myself I know that this change would take some time, and as it is possible to do this in two separate cycles I don’t think I’ll implement that into AMT.
Regards, Karsten
Hey KaFu,
Since i really love AMT i decided to give you a small donation in return.
Did you have time yet to look at my comment made earlier?
March 24, 2018
Keep up the good work!
Hi Sinistra,
on the layout tab press “Delete All”, then change Number to 1 and Per Row to 1. Uncheck Info Header and footer, set padding to 0 and resize thumbnail to desired size. Does that match your requirements?
anyway to get an option to screen cap sections and put them all together?
generate thumbnailes from point 0 to 60 ( 1min at 1 frame every 3 seconds which gets me 20 thumbnails)
then after that first minute generate another 120 thumbnails as total time minus 1 minute)
and then generate the last minute as 1 frame every 30 seconds
if not then how about 2 sections, with screen cap 1 frame every 3 seconds for the first minute, then the rest as normal?
Currently AMT does not support such complex patterns. Only work-around would be to create two or three different screencaps and merge them manually afterwards.
The new AMT v9 has a memory leak issue. When processing thumbnails, the system memory slowly increases. The AMT process itself does is very small, around 18MB. What I did was startup AMT and point it to a lot of video files, then while it’s processing the files, I look at the memory usage under task manager. Over time the system memory start increasing from 8GB to 12GB. Closing AMT did not release the memory. The only way to return the memory to normal usage is to either reboot the system or to log off then log in again.
Thanks for the feedback, I myself did not experience a memory leak. I’ll soon release v10, please let me know if the problems still exists there.
Hello KaFu,
Great piece of software!, i have one question. is there an way to add an extra option to the processing mode to create “Screencaps and create only 1 frame (.jpg, resized in a desired resolution)”?
Or does this option already exist?
Kind regards,
I like the programm but actually it just produce error pics (blak pics with error “ScreenCap could not be created”).
Should not happen :), I’ll contact you via email, please send me a log of the error.
This is working brilliantly to save screenshots at certain intervals however im noticing it overwrites over the same screenshots once it hits a certain amount. Why?
What do i do so it’ll just keep outputting screenshots without overwriting.
Hi Bernie,
thanks for reporting. What are your exact settings, and what is the certain amount exactly?
Regards, Karsten
KaFu, In reply to your reply back in April, your solution is what to try and it works – however images are still thumbs :/
It would be great to be able to take like for example 10 images (far larger than thumbs) automatically from the movie.
I tried what u suggested but gave upon trying as while it’s a good workaround, it would be nice to be able to take larger images than thumbs. So I take manually.. Came to see if any updates 🙂 anyhow I’m gonna give another try for your solution 🙂
Settings > Processing Mode = 5
Layout > Delete all but “Else” and enter 10 for number of thumbnails for “Else”
This creates 10 PNG files in original resolution per movie file for me.
Hello Again KaFu, I gave that a try and let me tell it works great 🙂 In my case, most MKV files have just one sub so I changed it to “sid 1” and voila, it worked. I tried playing around with OSD=0 or 2 but it didn’t work 😀 I just noticed that it grabs very few subtitles, don’t know if the “one cap every 10 seconds” is too few (150 caps per half an hour) or the timings of the subs didn’t help, I let it running all night with 250 files and I checked that even though it worked for most of them there were perhaps 5 caps with subs every 150. Do you think that is fine due to the subs timing or there might be something to tune up?
I think this is due to subs timing. I did take a look at the available settings, but I could not find one to increase the sub display time.
Hey KaFu, thanks for your reply! I read the section of mplayer and tried by adding the ling -vf ass,screenshoot as it is indicated there but I didn’t get much :/ I tried adding a VO but I think that is not the right option… “directx -slave -vf ass,screenshot -msglevel all=5 -wid 134264 ” I see the -VF in the enforced section but it is greyed out. Should I get that modified? Mmm, I was thinking that if it only works with “.ass†subs, then it might not work from MKS subs inside the MKV even though they might be .ass packed as mkv with mks…:/
Btw, you know, I started looking for this feature as you can get the screenshot from MPC-HC however there is no command line for that 🙁 Do you think it is possible to “take” it from there?
What do you say?
I did some testing, switch of the default on screen display OSD (set dropdown right to “Add VO” to 0) and add this to the optional arguments:
” -vf expand=osd=1,screenshot -sid 2″
Works for me on MKV with embedded subs, but finding the right (default) sub ID (SID) might be difficult though.